Harry Potter Book 5 by Christmas?
Book 5 going to the editors?
''MILLIONS of children and their parents can relax. J. K. Rowling was working yesterday on the final stages of the fifth Harry Potter novel. It may even be ready for Christmas.
In an exclusive interview with The Times, Rowling said not only that she has not been suffering from writer’s block but also that she is expecting a new baby to join her daughter Jessica next spring. Amidst the “indescribable mess” in her Edinburgh office, there is a “little oasis”, she says, where the manuscript is stacked, “nice, neat, pristine and big” — as big, she thinks, as The Goblet of Fire (636 pages).''
So can her millions of readers expect a Christmas present? “Possibly”. There is a deep, throaty chuckle. ~Times Online source Sept. 20th 2002
Got DVD?
Harry Potter DVD from:
USA - UK - DE - FR
Harry Potter and the Vanishing Tickets
Tickets for preview screenings of the second Harry Potter film sold out yesterday (in England) within hours of going on sale. The preview screening will take place Friday November 8th in Great Britain, then the film will be released simultaneously in America on November 15th.
Who will you be this Halloween?
Here are a few links to some Harry Potter related Halloween Costumes that we found via the web.
Warner Bros.
Harry Potter Deluxe Costume Kit
Warner Bros.
Click here to visit WBShop.com and find over 30 styles of Halloween costumes from Harry Potter and Superman to Taz and Scooby-Doo!
Harry Potter Fiber Optic Robe
Plus here is a link to OpenFlame.com's Harry Halloween page.
2003 Wall Calendar
Find the NEW Harry Potter 2003 Chamber of Secrets book calendar at WBShop.com Click here !
Here is a
small list of some current HP news:

larger image
Harry Potter Costumes
USA link only

Harry Potter
Order Now!!
USA - UK - DE - FR
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings DVD Order
USA - UK - DE - FR

Harry Potter Video Game
USA - UK - DE - FR
You can get the game in:
GameBoy Color
GameBoy Advanced

Find the NEW Harry Potter 2003 Chamber of Secrets book calendar at WBShop.com Click here !