Friday, January 10, 2003 - Posted by
Cory Hutchinson at 11:45 AM [submit news] |
 Interview with Victor Krum
Daily Prophet readers, I Cory Potter, just got an exclusive interview with Victor Krum. Mr. Krum was very open with our interview and gave some of his opinions on the Triwizard Tournament.
Potter: Mr. Krum what is it like to be one of the biggest stars in the Quidditch world?
Krum: Vell, it is very exciting.
Potter: How do you manage it all, going to Durmstrang, and playing Quidditch?
Krum: Vell, my stoodies alvays come virst.
Potter: What are the pros and cons of going to Durmstrang?
Krum: Vell, the pros of going to Durmstrang are dat I am close to my vamily and my vriends. I love the surrounding area, but it is nothing to Ogwarts. The cons of it is that I am not able to be close to my gurlvriend, Hermione Granger.
Potter: Speaking of Hogwarts, what did you think of it?
Krum: I loved it there. the countryzide was beautiful and the people vere so vriendly. (Owl flies in. Krum opens letter) I am zorry, but I have to go.
Potter: thank you for your time.
Cory Potter, Chief Reporter, Head of the Daily Prophet
Friday, October 25, 2002 - Posted by
Katie Williams at 11:09 PM [submit news] |
 World Cup wrap up
The games have been going on since August and have no plans in letting up. The preliminary round is almost through, and the quarter-finals will be played after that. All the teams have done well, but the real sucess story is the Moose Jaw Meteorites. They beat Toyohashi Tengu, 250 - 50 in their first game. The fact that they haven't been playing very long is also astonishing, as they only created a team 2 years ago when the Firebolt series came out. The rest of the teams have all had their share of moments, but ticket sales are down this year, most likely because of You-Know-Who's reappearance. When the finals come around, we'll give you the inside scoop on each team, but since there are so many to cover right now, we feel it would take forever. The next game is on Halloween, so dress up and come down to the main field in England. Wear a costume and get in half price!
Reporter, Katie Williams
Sunday, September 29, 2002 - Posted by
Katie Williams at 3:42 PM [submit news] |
 Quidditch Preliminaries
Aug. 1: Chudley CANNONS vs. Falmouth FALCONS > FALCONS move on.
Aug.8: Puddlemere UNITED vs. Sweetwater ALL-STARS > UNITED moves on.
Aug.15: Holyhead HARPIES vs. Vratsa VULTURES > HARPIES move on.
Aug.22: Tchamba CHARMERS vs. Kenmare KESTRELS > KESTRELS move on.
Aug.29: Wigtown WANDERERS vs. Montrose MAGPIES > MAGPIES move on.
Sept.5: Appleby ARROWS vs. Tutshill TORNADOS > ARROWS move on.
Sept.12: Ballycastle BATS vs. Quiberon QUAFFLEPUNCHERS > QUAFFLEPUNCHERS move on.
Sept.19: Moose Jaw METEORITES vs. Toyohashi TENGU > METEORITES move on.
Sept.26: Fitchburg FINCHES vs. Thundelarra THUNDERERS > FINCHES move on.
Oct.3: Bigonville BOMBERS vs. Sumbawanga SUNRAYS > BOMBERS move on.
Oct.10: Wimbourne WASPS vs. Pride of PORTREE > WASPS move on.
Oct.17:Caerphilly CATAPULTS vs. Heidleburg HARRIERS > CATAPULTS move on.
Oct.24: Braga BROOMFLEET vs. Haileybury HAMMERS > BROOMFLEET moves on.
Oct.31: Grozisk GOBLINS vs. Moutohora MACAWS
Tarpoto TREESKIMMERS vs. Woollongong WARRIORS
Starspangled SLAMMERS vs. Patonga PROUDSTICKS
Here is the much wanted preliminary games for the next while. The Edmonton Explosions backed out at the last minute and are now not going to be participating. This will be updated every time there is a game. This just in, the World Cup will not last as long as usual, and instead they will have a game worked out for every Thursday of each week.
Reporter, Katie Williams
Saturday, August 03, 2002 - Posted by
Katie Williams at 11:47 AM [submit news] |
 If any of you have any comments, questions or idea's about any aspect of Quidditch or what you would like to see in this column, please feel free to send me an email at: chaser_chic@hotmail.com.
- Posted by
Katie Williams at 11:46 AM [submit news] |
 First Game of the Season On the First of August, the game between the Chudley Cannons and the Falmouth Falcons was held. As it happened, some 20 000 witches and wizards turned up for the most hyped team event of the year so far. It was close all the way through, but in the end the Falcons took it home, catching the snitch and ending the game 260 to 110. The next event is to be between Puddlemere United and a newly introduced North American team, the Sweetwater All-Stars from Texas. A question came to me from a Mr. Adam Granger and he asked when the North American teams would be starting. Well, with all the teams available, they all have signed up and are all on the schedule which I will draw up soon. That's all for now. Reporter, Katie Williams
Saturday, July 27, 2002 - Posted by
Katie Williams at 3:43 PM [submit news] |
 Quidditch Questions! Everytime I get some questions, I will answer them. I got a few this week so here we go. This one comes from Alfie. She asks, "What is the most popular Quidditch team at the moment?"There isn't really a most popular team. Right now, they are probably The Falmouth Falcons and Chudley Cannons, because of their upcoming Quidditch Match. For women, it could easily be the all womens team, the Holyhead Harpies. Really, it's to each wizard, their own. Dot asks,"Why don't they wear helmets if the threat of literally falling off the broom in midair is so real? And if you're flying at such high speeds... contacts or glasses? Oh, and the robes, what material?" Helmets restrict vision. Any player would say that it would be equally dangerous not being able to see to the side without turning your head as falling off your broomstick! Contacts or glasses, it doesn't really matter. Contacts would probably be safer if you got a Bludger in the face lets say, and cheaper if you keep breaking your glasses because of this. Quidditch Robes differ from country to country and season to season. Most players wear cotton robes in the late spring/summer and wool in fall or early spring if it is cold. Really, it's up to the consumer. I hope that this answers your questions. Next week, we will be looking at Quidditch supplies. -Reporter, Katie Williams Note: I will be absent this week and will see you all soon.
Monday, July 22, 2002 - Posted by
Katie Williams at 10:21 AM [submit news] |
 Fouls 101 Throughout the centuries, there has been fouling in the worlds' favorite sport, Quidditch. As most fans know, there are 700 different Quidditch fouls, and all of them were committed in the first Quidditch World Cup final in 1473. A few of these are not likely to happen, such as, hitting another player with an axe, but some happen almost regularily, like Blatching, (flying with intent to collide) and Blagging (seizing another opponents broom tail to slow them down.) Although fouls might not seem fair, they keep everyone happy and as safe as you can be playing one of the worlds' most dangerous sports. Reporter, Katie Williams
Tuesday, July 16, 2002 - Posted by
Katie Williams at 1:10 PM [submit news] |
 New Broomsticks For centuries, all witches and wizards have ridden on broomsticks. But, what is the best one out there right now for your galleon? After last year's model, The Firebolt, it will be hard to top. The Firebolt has all the big features, streamlined, light, comfortable and good looking. It is also the world's best in turning, and speed, therefore, most of the Quidditch teams this year are ridding them at the World Cup Games. Just last week, Firebolt broom company has let slip that there will be a new broom on the market next year, called the Firebolt 5000. The prototype, to be released in late August, will have the Quidditch world on it's feet, ready for it's new and hopefully better qualities. "As long as it's better than the Nimbus series," said the owner of the Firebolt company, Arnold Firebolt, "I'll be happy with it!" I'm sure Quidditch fans will be too. -Reporter, Katie Williams